2024 Reunion

The next JCCVA reunion will be held in Warwick, RI from Wednesday September 18 to Saturday September 21 2024. Mark Akesson Blue crew A-gang 88-91 and his wife Kelly are hosting the reunion.

The reunion will be based out of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 801 Greenwich Ave in Warwick, RI. The rates for our block of rooms will be $169 per night.

Rooms can be booked by calling the hotel at (866)-227-6963, or online at www.CrowneHotelWarwick.com, or by emailing the reservations department at groupreservations@crownehotelwarwick.com. Our discount code is UCR or mention Calhoun reunion. Our block of rooms will be held until Monday August 19, 2024.

Some of the events that we are looking at include a tour of SUBSCHOOL, a visit to the historic ship Nautilus, a tour of an operational boat (schedules permitting).

Anyone that has any ideas for activities contact Mark through Facebook.

Registration is open for the reunion. The brochure and fillable registration form can be downloaded here or you can download it from the party planner’s website here (the registration form on the party planner’s site is not fillable). The association is picking up the $40.00 registration fee for each former crew member.

As the registrations come in we will be posting the reunion attendees on this page.

Reunion attendees as of September 17, 2024:

Mark & Kelly Akesson (1988-1991 Blue)
Donald & Loretta Rinthen (1973-1979 Blue)
Gary Lass (1982-1987 Gold)
Tom & Lisa Holcombe (1974-1979 Gold)
Richard “Bucky” Huber (1989-1992 Blue)
Brian & JoAnn Brusky (1978-1981 Blue)
George Wright (1966-1970 Gold)
Kerry gentry (1967-1969 Gold)
Dean & Lynn hunt (1964-1969 Gold)
Luis Figueroa Duran (1986-1991 Blue)
Dennis & Jeannie Lanier (1974-1979 Blue)
Jeff & Michelle Kolhoff (1986-1990 Blue)
Robert & Linda Hughes (1970-1973 Gold)
Robert & Patty Mitchell (1972-1975 Blue)
George Walrath (1963-1967 Gold)
Mitchell Howard (1988-1992 Blue)
Larry & Patty Day (1985-1990 Blue)
James Bettison (Chaplain)(1985-1989 Blue)
John & Betty Day (1973-1976 Gold)
Glen Caldwell (1963-1966 Blue)
Joseph & Karen Fahrney (COB)(1991-1993 Blue)
Steve Kouski (1973-1975 Blue)
Earl & Kathy Hughes (1977-1981 Gold)
Peter & Ann Swiderski (1964-1967 Blue)
William & Caroline Caudill (1967-1974 Both Crews)
Macon & Angie Clark (1972-1979 Blue)
Charles Mineau & Susan Hyland (1970-1974 Gold)
Michael & Kristine & Kristina Edwards (1963-1966 Blue)
Gregory & Kellie Fischer (1988-1990 Blue)
Peter Murphy & Susan LaGrande (1977-1981 Blue)
Chris & Kim Burns (1991-1994 Blue/DECOM)
Gerald Stanley (1963-1965 Blue)
Bruce & Lynn Mrowca (1980-1982 Gold)
Bill & Lorna Rogerson (CO #20)(1992-1994 Gold)
Brett & Jessica Houston (1987-1991 Blue)
Richard & Jill Umland (1963-1965 Gold)
James & Elizabeth Louder (1974-1976 Blue)
Ben Hale & Robin Young (1983-1988 Both)
Roger & Kathy Breitkreutz (1970-1976 Gold)
John & Michele Graziano (1963-1966 Gold)
John & Betty Pittman (1973-1976 Gold)