Shipmates on Eternal Patrol

Herein are the names of Veterans of the USS John C. Calhoun (SSBN-630), a nuclear powered warship. These men successfully participated in the preservation of world peace, through deterrence, during a period that is now called the Cold War.

Peace in the world often means an easier period for some of our nations military services. But not for the Submariner!

These men spent years plowing holes through most of the worlds oceans. They spent countless hours performing their duties and providing a constant threat against any adversary who might consider attacking our country. They knew and understood the dangers and the tribulations involved while on patrol. And there were many.

These men performed their duties at the great expense of not seeing their children grow. They missed their children’s significant lifetime events that included their births, their first tooth, their first step, their first day at school, graduations, engagements, achieving their college of choice, marriages and even their deaths.

These men performed their duties at the great expense of knowingly placing a heavy burden on their wives. For two-thirds of their tours they placed their wives in a position of running the home, raising the children, attending PTA meetings alone.

These men carried with them on patrols the knowledge that their intrepid wives would have to deal with deaths and sickness in their family, car repairs, broken washing machines, budget concerns, flooding basements, bill collectors, teachers and sometimes neighbors. It was not an easy life for any of the family. But it had to be done. And it was.

Now that these men have slipped their cable and taken their last walk across the prow to their final duty station, we dare not to forget these Submariners or their families. They sacrificed large portions of their lives doing their duty for our country.

These men were American Patriots, Submariners, and our Shipmates.
(above contributed by Steve Richey)

If a name has an asterisk (*) next to it, that shipmate has a biography posted on the site. Simply click the asterisk to take you to the biography.

If you know of the passing of a shipmate that does not appear in the eternal patrol list please let us know here.

John J. Adas Henry T. Addison
James G. Amster Walter J. Apley
Robert V. Artman Gerald H. Asbury
Dean L. Axene * Henry Baker
Kenneth L. Baker Fred B. Ballard
George Alan Barber William Bechtold
Lemuel Bell Ray V. Bennett
Lloyd Berger Chester Beutler
Stanley J. Bice Thomas Bickle
Calvin Blough William Book
William Brakebill Robert Brim
Paul Brogdon, Jr. Harold E. Brooks
Walter A. Brooks Dennis Bulick
John (Reb) Burton James T. Bush *
John Bushman Frank Butterworth
B. J. Calvert Larry Cann
Herbert W. Carew Willie A. Carlton
John R. “Jack” Casey Charles “Chuck” Cashion
Robert Wayne Chinn Richard V. Cleaver
John T. Cleghorn K. Russ Cline
Jeffrey Cole Garry N. Collins
Robert B. Connelly Ronald E. Cordis
William M. Cossaboom Earl Cruce *
Neil M. Crumly William A. Cunningham
Gregory J. Czech Joseph F. Davis
Walter Barry Davis Robert W. Driskell
Rueben De La Haya Lester F. Demmin
Bill Dorr Henry Dryer
Charles W. Duncan Jack H. Ebert
Robert H. Edwards Ike Eishenhauer
John T. Elliot Dick Emery
George Eskew Arthur C. Esposito
Robert Laurence Etchieson Jonathan Fader
Michael Felicetti Wayne C. Ficke
David Fields Robert D. Finch
Charles E. Fischler Danny Lee Flynt
Frank Fortune Stephen G. Freach
James L. Friday, Sr. James R. Fuller
Thomas L. Galasso John W. Gantz
Wilbur L. Gilliland Samuel Giorgio
Jackie B. Gooch Carlos Goode
John P. Gordon Darold P. Greene
Robert Grimm Bill Grooms
Richard Grotte Paul Guild
John Hahn Donald V. Hahnfeldt
Jay B. Hamilton III William D. Hamlin
Virgil Hasten Don Hazlett
Gene “Bear” Hazlett James F. Hemperly
Arlie Henry Herbert H. Henry
Darrell Hensley Elbert Hinson
Jack Ira Hoel Charles Hoover
David “Max” Hopkins James M. Howell
John Howser Gene Hughes
Dan M. Hunt William M. Hyler
Thomas Jackson Thomas A. Jewell
Walter A. Job Alvin D. Johnson
Brett D. Johnson William Johnson
John P. Keeler William Kempfer
Jan Alan Kendall Joe Kornberger
Arland W. Kuester * Mark S. Lanier
Robert “Jeff” Lauderdale William E. Lee
James Link Avery James Lord
Frank Lord Carl E. Maahs
James “Chaplain Jim” Magin Andew Maples
Raymond J. Markese Paul James Matthews
Fred R. Maxey Jr. * John A. Maynard
Bruce R. McKenna Dale Roy McLaughlin
Paul Terry McNeill Johnny L. McWilliams
Max Milien Clarence Mitchell
Vernon Q. Mitchell Thomas I. Monteith
Joseph Montroy Fred G. Moore
Jerry A. Moose John A. Morris
Don Mosley David A. Mueller
Shawn Muldowney Terrence M. Mullaney
Ronald A. Naef Tom Nesmith
Carmine F. Nicholas J.B. Norman
Robert S. Northrop Terence J. O’Brien
Joseph E. O’Connor Joseph O’Donnell
Joseph P. O’Leary Thomas F. Owenbey
Mark W. Paar Loomis L. Pace
Alan Papierowicz Guy Parnell
Glen W. Paxton Marshall H. Poole Jr.
Paul F. Popik David Lee Presley
Ed Purdy Paul A. Rader
David E. Rein Joseph L. Renken *
Richard E. Richards Steve Richey *
Charles Rickhauer Edward L. Ripley
Kenneth W. Robertson James Lee Roth
James R. Rotunda Leo H. Sain
Merwyn Salfer Gary Samples
George F. Schilling Jerry Schram
Tom Sheppard Gary D. Shobe
Jimmy L. Shumard James L. Sisson
Edward W. Sloan Roy Slocum
Bruce R. Smith Edward Smith
Marvin O. Smith William Smith
James Sprague Stephen J. Springer
John L. Stacey * Thomas Stanley
James Stein *
Steven R. Stout
Danny M. Stovall Samuel S. Sutton
Brad S. Sweeny George G. Sweeny
Glenn T. Sykes Jr. James P. Tansey Jr.
John D. Thode Frank A. Thurtell
Ralph L. Tindal Mark J. Toschoff
Ron Turner James A. Vanness
Rodney Waldrop John N. Walker
Richard A. Wallace Christopher C. Ward
Dale F. Waser Delorma Dale Webb
Raymond Burke Wellborn Elmer Wells
Leroy P. Werley Sr. James West
Dale Samuel Wiles Donald Wilkerson
James E. Williams Barry Wilson
Richard Wilson Ronald Wittschen
Charles Wright Keith A Wright Sr.
TJ Young Arthur Zanta
Jim Zawacki  

Last updated 2024-07-11