It is with great sadness we report that Buford Clinton “Clint” Garmon (HM 74-76 Blue Crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol November 13, 2024. Buford’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
The 2024 JCCVA reunion is in the books. If you weren’t able to make it everyone had a good time. The 2026 JCCVA reunion will be held in Lexington, KY around October hosted by VP Donald and Loretta Rinthen 1973-1979 Blue Crew. Details will be posted as they become available.
It is with great sadness we report that James A. Marshall (LCDR Blue Crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol February 7, 2024. James’ obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
Eternal Patrol Notice It is with great sadness we report that Leon E. Everman. (XO 71-73 Blue Crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol September 5, 2024. Leon’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
It is with great sadness we report that Larry W. Fricke departed on Eternal Patrol August 11, 2024. Larry’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
It is with great sadness we report that Donald V. Northrup Jr. (ST 79-83 Blue Crew) departed on Eternal Patrol August 14, 2024. Donald’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
It is with great sadness we report that Brett Duane Johnson (MT 79-83 Blue Crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol June 30, 2024. Brett’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
It is with great sadness we report that Vernon Jasper Beebe (IC 65-67 Blue Crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol April 20, 2024. Vernon’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
It is with great sadness we report that John W. Gantz (ET 91-93 Gold Crew) departed on Eternal Patrol on July 31, 2017. John’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.