Well, this is the first time I’ve tried to post something on the website, so let’s see if I hose it up. I readily admit that I am technologically challenged.
As I hope you know, we have a reunion scheduled in Charleston, SC from 28-30 October 2021. Dean Hunt with the assistance of his lovely bride Lynn will be hosting.
As part of every reunion, we have a business meeting. When necessary, part of that meeting is to vote whether to approve or not proposed amendments to the Association Bylaws. Because of COVID we had to cancel last year’s reunion in San Diego. Dean has graciously agreed to host one in Charleston this year. The officers of the Association have had to dance around outside the Bylaws a bit to deal with this. When the Bylaws were originally written something as disruptive as something like COVID could never have been anticipated. Even by Carnac the Magnificent. (If you don’t know who Carnac was, you’re just young). The Board of Directors has approved that the following changes to the Bylaws be posted on the website for review prior to the business meeting. Please have a copy of the current Bylaws in front of you so that the proposed changes make sense. (Changes and additions are in bold print).
Here we go:
Article II Section 1 ” ………..will be two (2) years. No President will serve more that on consecutive term unless circumstances prevent the biennial business meeting from being conducted, in which case the President and other elected officers will remain in office until the next business meeting.”
Article III Section 13 (New section) “In the event of extraordinary, unforeseen circumstances, the Board, with a majority vote, may take those actions necessary to ensure Association business is properly conducted on issues not covered by these Bylaws.”
Article VI Section 2 “………..at the previous business meeting. If extraordinary circumstances warrant, the Board has the authority to reschedule, cancel or change the time or location of a reunion, with the primary concern being the health and safety of the membership.”
That’s it. Please remember that only paid up members may vote at the business meeting, so keep your dues current. To that end, we are working on a method to post that same on the website. Also, if your contact info, i.e. phone number and address has changed, please let us know. If you know of a shipmate that has moved on to Eternal Patrol, we would like to know that too. Last but not least, if you know of a John C Calhoun shipmate who is not a member of the Association, give him a “gentle” nudge in the keister to sign up.
That’s all for now. Be well and stay safe. We look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Rob Hughes USSJCCVA Vice President