It is with great sadness we report that Garry Neal Collins (ET Blue crew 1973-1976) has departed on Eternal Patrol January 6, 2024. Garry’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
Category: Uncategorized
Silent Service Bourbon
Eternal Patrol Notice
It is with great sadness we report that Leroy Paul Werley Sr. has departed on Eternal Patrol January 27, 2023. Leroy’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
The Prez Sez 22 Oct 2022
Well, some kind of Association president I am. It is with the deepest of regret that I inform you that my Linda and I will not be attending the upcoming reunion two weeks from now. I have an emergent medical condition which requires treatment 3 days per week for the next 5 weeks and getting […]
Ship’s Store
The ship’s store will be closed for orders until after the reunion.
The countdown to the reunion is rapidly ticking away. I’ve been on the phone a lot, especially trying to reach out to our West Coast members. Many have asked who else is attending. I just got a list of those who have signed up so far (as of Monday August 22). Here goes: Carl Graham […]
The Prez Sez
Well, the Las Vegas reunion is now only 3 months away and things are moving. Our reunion host, Association Vice President Bucky Huber, is almost ready to post the registration form. The guest speaker arrangements are just about finalized. You can find the relevant details about the Tuscany Resort and Casino elsewhere on this site. […]
Eternal Patrol Notice
It is with great sadness we report that Johnny Levert McWilliams (Weapons Officer 81-84 Blue crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol April 1, 2022. Johnny’s obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.
Las Vegas Reunion
Hello, Everyone. As mentioned in my last post, the next reunion is in Las Vegas. Bucky Huber is hosting and he has the arrangements moving along nicely. In this post I am going to parrot what has been posted on the JCCVA Facebook page. The Reunion will be held at the Tuscany Hotel from 2-5 […]
Eternal Patrol Notice
It is with great sadness we report that James P. Tansey jr.(Sonar Technician 70-72 Blue crew) has departed on Eternal Patrol December 9, 2021. James’ obituary can be viewed here. Sailor rest your oar.