Hello, Everyone.
As mentioned in my last post, the next reunion is in Las Vegas. Bucky Huber is hosting and he has the arrangements moving along nicely. In this post I am going to parrot what has been posted on the JCCVA Facebook page.
The Reunion will be held at the Tuscany Hotel from 2-5 November.
Rooms are now available for booking. Make sure you mention that you are with the USS John Calhoun group.
Rates: Wed-Thurs nights, $69. Fri-Sat nights $159. Ask about additional nights if desired.
Registration will be held later. At present, the cost is $110 per person.
More info is forthcoming.
I have a pair of eyeglasses that were left behind at the last reunion. I will gladly sent them to you when you claim them.
Thats it for now. Stay safe and let’s hope COVID doesn’t force us to change the plans!
Be well,
Rob Hughes