Well, the Charleston Reunion is over and it was an outstanding success. Dean and Lynn Hunt hosted. They planned it on a very short fused schedule at the Crown Plaza Hotel in North Charleston. The hotel was accommodating to the Nth degree. If you know of an organization that wants to hold a reunion in […]
Category: Uncategorized
Chaplain’s Message on the 9/11 20th Anniversary
There is a new message from our Chaplain posted on the Chaplain’s Page.
The VP’s Blurb
Well, this is the first time I’ve tried to post something on the website, so let’s see if I hose it up. I readily admit that I am technologically challenged. As I hope you know, we have a reunion scheduled in Charleston, SC from 28-30 October 2021. Dean Hunt with the assistance of his lovely […]
Eternal Patrol Notice
2021 Reunion
The 2021 JCCVA reunion will be in Charleston, SC hosted by Dean Hunt and his wife Lynn. Check the Reunion Page for details as they become available.